Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bulletin Inserts: Women and the Culture of Life

“When we say that the woman is the one who receives love in order to love in return, this refers not only or above all to the specific spousal relationship of marriage. It means something more universal, based on the very fact of her being a woman within all the interpersonal relationships which, in the most varied ways, shape society and structure the interaction between all persons - men and women. In this broad and diversified context, a woman represents a particular value by the fact that she is a human person, and, at the same time, this particular person, by the fact of her femininity. This concerns each and every woman, independently of the cultural context in which she lives, and independently of her spiritual, psychological and physical characteristics, as for example, age, education, health, work, and whether she is married or single.” - Pope John Paul II on the Dignity and Vocation of Women, (Mulieris Dignitatem, 1988)

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“The canonization of Saint Gianna is the first of its kind. Many mothers have been beatified for their heroic virtues but they entered religious life after becoming widowed. In St Gianna’s case, the very condition of her being a spouse and mother is being exalted and highlighted. St Gianna is the first canonized woman physician and professional who was also a “working mom”.

St. Gianna made a heroic choice of giving up her life to save the life of her fourth child. She died in 1962 and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2004. St. Gianna, Pray for us!

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“The woman is the heart of the home. Let us pray that we women realize the reason of our existence: to love and be loved and through this love become instruments of peace in the world.” Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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St. Gianna Molla (1922-1962): Wife, Mother, Pediatrician, Saint
“[St] Gianna Beretta Molla was a simple, but more than ever, significant messenger of divine love. In a letter to her future husband a few days before their marriage, she wrote: "Love is the most beautiful sentiment the Lord has put into the soul of men and women…Following the example of Christ, who "having loved his own... loved them to the end", this holy mother of a family remained heroically faithful to the commitment she made on the day of her marriage. The extreme sacrifice she sealed with her life testifies that only those who have the courage to give of themselves totally to God and to others are able to fulfil themselves. Through the example of Gianna Beretta Molla, may our age rediscover the pure, chaste and fruitful beauty of conjugal love, lived as a response to the divine call!”
~ Canonization homily, Pope John Paul II, May 16, 2004~

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Healing after Abortion:
Project Rachel and Rachel's Vineyard are healing Ministries of the Catholic Church. "The Church offers reconciliation as well as spiritual and psychological care for those suffering from abortion’s aftermath primarily through diocesan-based programs, most often called Project Rachel." 2007 USCCB Respect Life Program. Rachel's Vineyard, the world's largest ministry for healing after abortion, offer healing retreats several times per year.  For more information:

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