Sunday, November 22, 2009

¡Viva Cristo Rey!

The image to the right is behind one of the side altars of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse Wisconsin. I had never heard of the person in the picture before our tour guide recounted the story of Blessed Miguel Pro.  It is truly amazing to learn of the heroic faith demonstrated by the Saints in every generation, including our own.  I had no idea that Catholics were persecuted and put to death in Mexico less than 100 years ago.  Father Pro was executed on Nov 23, 1927.  The images below of Blessed Miguel's execution were ordered to be taken by Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles in order to intimidate Catholics.

One wonderful site on Bl. Miguel Pro tells the story this way:
"Calles wanted the execution to be a "big show" and had instructed his underlings to invite representatives from all the government secretariats, the press, and photographers. His intention was to show the Catholics as groveling cowards. Instead, the photos spoke eloquently of their heroism. After the execution, an attempt was made to recall the photographs, and possession of them became a crime. But the damage had been done -- the world had seen."
This is consistent with the story told by our tour guide at the shrine church.  The guide identified "the press" as the New York Times, who were present to document the event.

Father Miguel kneels in prayer for those about to take his life....
And stands, refuses the blindfold.  Holding his arms out like a cross, he is executed by firing squad. I will not display those images here.
The funeral of Bl. Miguel was clearly NOT the outcome that those who took his life had hoped for.

Bl. Miguel Pro, may the example of your faith strengthen our own. Pray for us that, may we also grow to love Our Lord and his Church more than we love our own lives.

Bl. Miguel Pro was beatified by Pope John Paul II on September 25, 1988.

I do not own the following book yet, but it is on my Christmas list.

Blessed Miguel Pro: 20th Century Mexican Martyr, Ann Ball, TAN Books and Publishers

The movie "For Greater Glory" opens on June 1, 2012, and tells the all but forgotten story of the Cristeros War (1926-1929).


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