Our Parish has a "Sanctity of Life Corner" in its weekly bulletin. One of the purposes for this blog is to save the work done in preparing these bulletin inserts in a central location so the quotes and images can be reused. The inserts touch on all aspects of the sacredness and dignity each human life, from conception to natural death. They also touch on the Church's teaching on the proper context for the procreation and transmission of human life. If you see something missing, have a recommendation, or see anything that is inconsistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church, feel free to email us at ecce.mater.tua@gmail.com.
Bulletin: Abortion
Bulletin: Life and Social Justice / Embracing Life
Bulletin: Pro-Life Prayers and Devotions
Bulletin: Euthanasia
Bulletin: Health Care Reform
Bulletin: Women and Life Isssues
Bulletin: War / Terrorism
Bulletin: Death Penalty
Bulletin: Contraception
Bulletin: Embryonic Stem Cells